
Visar inlägg från april, 2024

Chapter Twenty: The Perilous Journey

As the sun began to set, casting an eerie orange glow across the desolate landscape, Maya set out from Fortress Haven on her treacherous journey back to the farmhouse. Determined to reunite with her friends, she cautiously navigated the decaying streets, each step accompanied by the haunting sound of distant groans and howls. Suddenly, Maya's heart skipped a beat as a hoard of zombies emerged from the shadows, their rotting flesh glistening in the fading light. With adrenaline coursing through her veins, she swiftly darted into an abandoned building, seeking refuge from the encroaching danger. Inside, Maya found herself in a dimly lit room cluttered with discarded furniture and debris. The air was thick with the stench of decay, threatening to choke her senses. Resisting the urge to cough, she cautiously explored her surroundings, hoping for an alternative route to her destination. As she made her way through the building, Maya stumbled upon a concealed trapdoor in the