Chapter eleven: The Riding Dead

Thad and Maya tread cautiously through the dense woods surrounding the farmhouse. With a bucket in hand, they sought out berries, while their arms cradled loads of firewood. It was a peaceful day, or so they thought.
Little did they know that lurking within the shadows of those same woods were hordes of ravenous zombies, victims of a gruesome pandemic unleashed by the COVID-19 vaccine.
Suddenly, a cacophony of guttural groans shattered the tranquility as a swarm of zombies sprang from the shadows, eyes vacant, and arms outstretched menacingly.
Instinct kicked in for Thad, Maya.
Suddenly, the hoard of decomposed figures lunged towards them with unquenchable hunger in their eyes. Zombies. The once gentle and beautiful scenery quickly turned into a nightmare.
Fear instantly gripped Thad and Maya. Fear that made their hearts race, their skins crawl. Their survival instincts kicked in, prompting them to fight back using whatever means they had. But the relentless swarm of undead threatened to overpower them.

In a fortuitous twist of fate, out of the corner of their eyes, they caught sight of three shadowy figures emerging from the trees — three riding zombie hunters. The hardened riders was known as the Riding Dead. Swiftly, they formed a tight defensive circle, relying on their years of training and expertise. Armed with an arsenal of weapons, they engaged the undead assailants.
Thad's trusty machete sliced through decayed flesh, severing limbs and neutralizing threats at every turn. Maya, armed with a modified crossbow, sent arrows straight through the skulls of the encroaching zombies, taking them down with silent precision. The Riding Dead, on horseback, charged forward fearlessly, trampling the undead under the thundering hooves.

Blood and gore splattered across the forest floor as the battle raged on, a fierce clash between human determination and unholy forces. Though heavily outnumbered, the unwavering resolve of Thad, Maya, and the Riding Dead slowly gained ground, pushing back the relentless zombie horde.
Eventually, the final limb was severed, the final groan silenced. They had emerged victorious, but the fight was far from over. With hearts pounding and adrenaline coursing through their veins, Thad, Maya, and the Riding Dead knew they had only scratched the surface of this nightmarish apocalypse.
With precision and skill, they had swiftly dispatched the approaching undead, saving Thad and Maya from certain doom.
The trio of saviors dressed in tattered leather jackets revealed themselves as Sophie, Jake, and Marcus, survivors who had formed a close alliance.

Thad extended a heartfelt invitation to their rescuers, welcoming them to seek refuge at his farmhouse. Safety and solace awaited within its sturdy walls.
As news spread of their selfless act, whispers began to circulate among the weary survivors. Despite the ever-present danger outside, a glimmer of hope ignited in their hearts. The once-barren farmhouse blossomed with camaraderie and resilience, becoming a sanctuary against the encroaching darkness.
Within those weathered walls, plans were hatched and strategies devised. Thad's courageous group, joined by the zombie hunters, understood the monumental task ahead. To spread the zombie vaccine to the masses.
Their journey to salvation had only just begun.


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