Chapter seven: The warehouse

The small gang of seven people keep on traveling on foot in an zombie infested world.
Our heroin Maya twenty years old travel on foot with Thad thirty eight years, Kent thirty years, his wife Elisabeth twenty five years, and a four other survivals.
Maya has long blonde hair. Elisabeth has short-cut hair. Thad the ex soldier has close cropped black hair with gray highlights and a weathered face.
Kent has light brown short hair and a beard.
They had been traveling for weeks since the virus had spread. Everywhere was chaos and destruction. They had to be careful, and they were all armed. The group had been keeping to themselves, scavenging for food and supplies along the way.

They had managed to find a few safe havens, but they never stayed long. They had to keep moving, just in case the zombies came. Today was no different. They had been walking for hours when they heard the sounds of the undead. They quickly hid in an abandoned shed, hoping not to be found. They could hear the zombies shuffling past, and they were all feeling relieved when the noises eventually died down. But then, suddenly, they heard something else. It was a human voice, and it was coming from outside the shed. They cautiously opened the door and saw a woman standing there. She had a gun in her hand and a determined look on her face. She introduced herself as Evelyn and said she was looking for survivors. The group welcomed her into their group and they all continued on their journey. They talked as they walked, getting to know each other and sharing their stories. They quickly grew close and trusted each other, and soon they were a family. 

The group kept walking, and soon they could see the horizon. The zombie curing vaccine had been something they had ben longing for, and it filled them with hope. But they still knew they weren't close to finding safety, and that they had much struggle ahead. They continued on, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Suddenly, they heard something behind them. They turned around and saw a horde of zombies coming their way. Instinctively, they ran, with the zombies trailing close behind. They were desperately trying to outrun the monsters, but they could hear them getting closer and closer.

The group eventually reached a large, abandoned warehouse, and quickly ran inside. They realized the zombies wouldn't be able to get them, since the warehouse was made of thick concrete walls. Inside, they found a few weapons and supplies that could help in their fight against the zombie menace.

The group felt relieved, but they knew they needed a plan. They discussed what their next move should be, and eventually decided to make a stand. They barricaded the entrance, and prepared their weapons.

The zombies eventually made it to the warehouse, and began pounding on the walls. The group held their ground, and after a long battle, they were able to fend off the zombies. They were exhausted from the fight, but they were relieved that they were still alive.

The group made the decision to stay in the warehouse for the night, and rest up before continuing on. They knew that the zombie's was still out there, and that they weren't safe yet. But they also knew that with the weapons they had found, and their courage and determination, that they would eventually find more people to save with the zombie vaccine.


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