Chapter thirteen:

Sophie, Jake, and Marcus were three daring adventurers who had dedicated their lives to hunting down and eliminating the undead scourge that had overtaken the world. They had begun their journey together as mercenaries, but soon realized that the only way to truly make an impact was to become zombie hunters. Each of them had their own unique set of skills and weapons that they used to battle the hordes of the living dead.
Sophie was a tall, muscular woman who had a knack for getting close to her targets and taking them down with her axe. Jake was a master swordsman who had an impressive arsenal of blades that he used to cut through the undead, and Marcus was an expert marksman who always managed to keep his aim steady when the pressure was on.

They all had a distinct style of dress that reflected their personalities, with leather jackets, combat boots, and bandanas that were all part of their signature look.
Together, the three of them had become a force to be reckoned with, and had taken down countless numbers of the undead. They were a symbol of hope for the people of the world, and their resolve and courage were a testament to their commitment to ending the plague of the living dead.

The zombie hunters called The Riding Dead had been staying with Maya, Thad the ex soldier, Elisabeth and her husband Kent for a couple of months now, and they were eager to set out on their own and explore the zombie infested world. Even though they had enjoyed their time with the small group, the zombie hunters were now ready to take on the challenge of venturing out into the unknown. They had been preparing for this moment for a while now, and they were all excited and ready to go. 

The group had gathered supplies, including weapons, food, and medical supplies, and they had also prepared the horses to help them get around. They had discussed their plans and prepared a route for their journey, and they were now ready to head out and explore the world. They all said their goodbyes and wished each other luck, and they set out on their journey.

Young Maya watched as the three riders rode away in the distance, feeling a mix of emotions as she thought about their parting. She had never met them before, but in some ways, they had felt like family to her. She knew that it was unlikely that she would ever see them again, but she could not help but hope that one day, they would cross paths once more. She thought about the adventures they had shared together in such a short time, and a smile crossed her face. Maya knew that she would always remember them, and their friendship would remain in her heart. As she watched them disappear, she whispered a silent goodbye, wishing them safe travels and all the best in the days ahead.


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