Chapter fifteen: Vaccine development

Vaccine development is a complex and lengthy process that typically takes 10 to 15 years or longer to assess whether a vaccine is safe and effective in clinical trials. The process begins with research and development, which involves identifying a potential target antigen and formulating a vaccine. After the vaccine is developed, it must undergo preclinical trials to evaluate its safety and immunogenicity. If the vaccine passes this step, it is then tested in clinical trials on humans. Clinical trials involve three phases of testing on increasing numbers of people with varying ages and backgrounds. During this stage, the vaccine is evaluated for both safety and efficacy. If the vaccine is approved for use, it is then mass-produced and monitored for any long-term adverse effects. Ultimately, a vaccine can take upwards of a decade or more to develop and assess, but the resulting product can save countless lives.

Maya and her friends discussed why people were so eager to believe in the Covid 19 vaccine when it only had been tested for a few months. They were surprised to learn that usually a vaccine takes 10 years or more to be developed and approved for use. The development of the Covid 19 vaccine had been pushed through in record time, leaving many to question if it had been fully tested and was safe. They discussed how the vaccine had been rushed and how it had been rushed through the approval process, leaving many to wonder if it had been tested enough and if it was really safe. They also discussed the importance of doing your own research and being informed before making a decision. It was clear that everyone in the group had been concerned and had wanted to know more about the vaccine before they decided whether or not to get it. Most people who had survived the Zombie virus had not taken the Covid 19 vaccine. It was the only reason they hadn't been turned into zombies.

The zombie virus had been latent, remaining in people's bodies for years without presenting any symptoms or signs of a virus. It seemed to enter a latent phase, where the virus was inactive and did not actively replicate. However, something triggered this virus to enter an active phase, and suddenly, it began to spread quickly and infect more and more people. It was as if the virus had been waiting for the right moment to strike, and now it was here, wreaking havoc on the world. The symptoms caused by the virus were severe and often deadly, including fever, vomiting, and dizziness. In some cases, the virus could even cause coma or death. 

This virus was incredibly contagious and could easily spread from one person to another through physical contact or contact with contaminated objects. As the virus spread, it caused chaos and destruction, leaving behind a trail of death and destruction in its wake. The zombie virus had arrived, and it was wreaking havoc on the world.


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